Documented actions and observations are then reliant on scribbled notes or memories until they can be added, resulting in questionable processes, and potentially unreliable results. Trusted partner of Thermo Fisher Scientific for empowering laboratories with Sample Manager LIMS, SDMS & LES softwares in. The link enables the user to drive the process using their preferred solution. Scientists often need to work in clean room environments or in fume cupboards, or wear gloves and other personal protective equipment which makes it impossible to use a computer. from Chromeleon CDS to SampleManager LIMS, ranging from immediately after a sample has acquired, to the end of a full review and approval cycle in Chromeleon software. But it’s not always possible to access a LIMS. LIMS or laboratory information management systems allow lab analysts to constantly refer to SOPs and document actions as and when they occur.
Organizations rely on laboratory software like SampleManager LIMS to support and maintain regulatory compliance, reducing the vast amounts of paper required to demonstrate process adherence, and driving quality and data integrity by eliminating errors through manual transcription. The app can be used in the lab or out in the field, for data acquisition or result entry. Using extended reality technology along with Microsoft HoloLens, we’ve developed a solution to enable scientists to access Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS software in previously inaccessible areas of the lab. The Thermo Scientific SampleManager Mobile app lets you connect to SampleManager LIMS using a mobile device. SampleManager XR software enables scientists to work hands free using extended reality technology to drive process compliance, repeatability, and integrity.